prep time5 minutes
cook time12 minutes
serves4 pax


500 gSan Remo No. 5 Spaghetti
1 tbspExtra virgin olive oil
250 gChicken, finely chopped / cut into strips
480 gSan Remo Pasta Sauce Carbonara
10 gParmesan, finely grated
2419Salt and pepper (season to taste)
Parsley for sprinkle


  1. In a pot of boiling salted water, add the pasta and cook as per packet directions.
  2. Heat a pan on low heat. Add oil and chicken ham and cook for 3 to 5 minutes or until it starts to brown.
  3. Add San Remo Carbonara sauce into pan. Season with salt and pepper.
  4. Add pasta into the pan and toss to coat in the sauce. Remove pan from heat and in water if pasta to thick and reheat shortly.
  5. Top of with browned chicken ham, garnish with fresh parsley and top grated parmesan then serve.